Friday, February 4, 2011

The beauty of a thought

Everything from rolling out from under those warm blankets to deciding which way to turn at that red light requires a thought.  

Imagine a life where everything is controlled by one central being.  We are not allowed to have opinions, we can't decide which pizza topping we like better, and our life choices are predetermined.  It is that imagination that makes me appreciate the life I have.  I, like many other college students, think very differently from their parentals.  I am one of those people that looks at a tree and pictures the years that tiny acorn went through to become the mighty oak it is today.  

Music also plays a huge role in my life.  It amazes me to listen to the thoughts of great bands like Bon Iver,  Ray Lamontage, Iron and Wine, and The XX.  Imagine if these people didn't exist; they didn't have the ability to express what they are thinking and then put it into a harmonic melody.  It would make those rainy days feel lonesome and those walks to and from work and school feel even longer than they really are.  One of my favorite things to do is to eat outside while listening to my ipod.  I sit there watching the people and cars drive by but all I hear is the sound of the bass coming from the well tucked headphones in my ears.  As I write this I am currently listening to "Wordless Chorus" by My Morning Jacket, and even the "aaaaahhhhhhooooooo.... oooooooooowwwwwwwaaaaaaaa" moans were put there for a reason.  Music is a marvelous thing.

Even the thoughts that can't be expressed with words can be beautiful.  Art.  Within our own minds we carry these ideas that change or influence us each day.  With art we are able to put those ideas into a picture or object.  Words don't have to be written down or spoken for us to understand and be able to read what was going on through the artist's mind when he or she decided that their thought should come alive.  Each brush stroke had a purpose.  The angle of the photograph had a reason.  

Most of us will never know why we were put on this earth but we are here for a reason.  Remember that your thoughts make you you.  Wherever you go through life, your thoughts will be appreciated.                 

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